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Access control in companies

When we think of access control in a company, we think of the checks carried out at the entrance to the premises. Preventing outsiders from entering your premises seems a natural way of preventing theft, destruction and aggression. But access control in companies is actually much broader, and meets a variety of requirements.

Access control involves the management of external access to an organisation, but also the management of access to certain sensitive areas within a company, and more generally the management of the flow of people (employees, visitors, service providers, etc.) therein. 

Why implement access control in companies? How can you ensure that you have an effective protection system in place? 

Access control to premises

Access control to company premises is both a security issue for the protection of employees as individuals and for the preservation of material assets. Business premises contain IT and production tools that are vulnerable to theft or damage, making them ideal targets for malicious acts.

Securing company premises with obstacles and access hardware

Securing the company's main access points is of paramount importance. It involves equipping these accesses with "obstacles", which can take different forms depending on the needs and configuration of the site: barriers and gates at access car parks, locked main doors with access via badges or personal codes, full-height rotor turnstiles, security gates, etc. In the reception area, companies can install turnstiles or one-person passageways, again usually activated by badge. 

During the day, it may be a good idea to install an intercom system or a keypad connected directly to the reception desk to control visitors. Another way of easing the burden on the reception desk is to install stand-alone terminals to identify visitors and manage their flow.

At night, it is recommended to use a protection system, such as protective grating or a deterrent video surveillance system, etc. In addition to the access control system in the traditional sense, the use of a security company can be an additional solution at night, especially if the premises contain and store high-value products. The presence of a guard during closing hours is an effective way of preventing intrusions and attempted theft. The guard's effectiveness can be improved through the use of access supervision software, enabling the guard to remotely direct the video surveillance cameras. 

Securing company premises

Setting up an access control system:  supervision and clocking software

Installing a secure clocking system and gates protects both premises and employees. Each employee is issued with a badge, which the company selects from among the highest security standards. The employees present their badge (RFID, Bluetooth® /NFC, etc.) to the access reader or terminal, and the gates open to allow access to the premises. Under certain strict conditions, it is possible to use biometric identification (biometric fingerprint reader).

The clocking system is linked to access supervision software, which can be used to set up access rights for different categories of staff and service providers (e.g. an external cleaning service provider). The software then authorises only accredited employees and badge holders to enter the company. This system also enables the employer to keep track of the entry and exit times of people, making it possible to retrace the event history in case of an incident.

Like Kelio, an access control software can be linked to the working time management system, enabling access to company premises to be authorised only during each employee's working hours. Thanks to this combined system, employers can ensure that access to their premises is controlled, while at the same time making sure that employees' legal working hours, working time and rest periods are respected.

Lastly, another significant advantage of centralised clocking systems is that they can activate and deactivate a badge remotely with just a few clicks: the employer can instantly deny permanent or temporary access to any employee (in the event of a lay-off, for example). Better yet, access software linked to the company's HR system, such as Kelio, can automatically deactivate the badge at the end of the employment contract. 

Access control and obligations to respect employees' personal data

Beware, however, that the implementation of surveillance and access control systems may, depending on the regulations in each country, involve procedures to ensure that employees' privacy is respected.

For example, in the European Union, all citizens are protected by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which requires employers to take measures to protect, archive or purge certain identification data of their employees and to guarantee that their rights to access, consult or delete their data are respected.

Internal access control

As well as protecting external access, access control also involves securing and managing the flow of people inside company premises. 

It is often forgotten, but securing a company also involves certain vulnerable areas: rooms housing computer servers and data centres, clean rooms, rooms with controlled atmospheres, in-house laboratories, storage rooms for dangerous or valuable products, cold stores, etc. Only authorised personnel should have access to certain of these areas. Moreover, when it comes to protecting IT server rooms, the stakes are even higher, since the company is not only responsible for protecting its data but also the personal data of its employees hosted on the IT system (GDPR). It is therefore possible to extend the use of an access supervision system to the internal doors of a building by fitting locks and strike plates with appropriate badge systems.

Internal access control

However, securing a company cannot be synonymous with total “lockdown”. Staff and the various types of visitors who come in daily (customers, service providers, delivery staff, maintenance workers, etc.) must be able to access and circulate within the company according to established procedures and access rights. Access software such as Kelio incorporates visitor management processes that enable these flows to be controlled in compliance with security standards and the GDPR. 

Kelio's access control experts can advise and guide you in assessing your needs and provide you with the most appropriate solutions for your facilities.