Fire drill management software
Simplify the roll-call of evacuees at assembly points using your smartphone
During a fire, there are two critical factors: the speed of evacuation and a thorough roll-call of the persons at the assembly points. The Kelio software becomes your assistant at the assembly point: via your smartphone, it takes a quick and accurate attendance and identifies the counted persons in real time as well as those who still need to be checked.

Why conduct fire drills?
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 requires training to be repeated periodically therefore a fire drill should be carried out at least annually.
- Train employees to rapidly evacuate the premises by locating emergency exits and assembly points
- Familiarise employees with the right gestures and behaviour
- Discover the sirens and visual fire alarms installed
- Continuously improve fire evacuation management, in particular by practicing the real-time identification of evacuees at the assembly points.

Kelio transform your smartphone into a roll-call assistant at assembly points
Kelio innovates by using the Time and Access Management badges as a reliable roll-call tool during fire evacuations. Evacuees notify their presence outside by clocking out on the readers installed at the assembly points.
Evacuation managers or guides can consult employees’ presence in real time on their smartphone, directly connected to the Kelio system.
Evacuation managers rapidly receive the number and identity of anyone remaining inside the premises (enabling emergency services to intervene efficiently in the event of a real evacuation).
Kelio makes it easier to take roll-call at the assembly points! You can professionalise the management of your company fire drills, using functions such as drill timing and the generation of statistics!
How to make fire drill roll-calls more reliable?
During a fire or a fire drill, installing readers at the assembly points associated with the Kelio smartphone solution allows you to:
- automatically count evacuees from the roll-call,
- instantly share the roll-call with other evacution coordinators. For example, if an evacuee has clocked out at another assembly point, the list will be updated for all evacuation guides in real time,
- Account for a person without a badge by clocking them out directly on the application,
- automatically count down the number of people remaining to be accounted for, and their identity.
The fire drill ends automatically when everyone to be evacuated has clocked out themselves or been accounted for by the safety officers.

How can you be sure that everyone present has been evacuated in the event of a fire?
An employee who clocks in when s/he arrives in the morning or a visitor signed in using the Kelio Visitor Management module, will automatically be included in the roll-call.
Inversely, an employee who is absent or working off the premises will not be counted as present.
Installation of obstables such as turnstiles strengthen the access control system and enhance the reliability of accounting for people on the premises, to meet the requirements of the SEVESO 3 standards.
Using the Kelio solution including access control, visitor management and working time monitoring, you can be sure that everyone present on the premises has been accounted for on the evacuation list:
- employees
- visitors
- service providers
- delivery personnel
- etc...
How to improve your fire evacuation drills?
At the end of the drill, an report will be produced to enable you to monitor and improve evacuation procedures. To facilitate the generation of this document, various statistical data are available in Kelio and can be edited and exported:
- Number of people accounted for and unaccounted for during the drill,
- Employee clock-out procedure (by badge or by the evacuation guide),
- Drill time: a timer can be started to calculate the time taken between the start and the end of the drill,
- Performance history.
The report can easily be archived to update the safety register to be presented on request by the authorities.
Why choose Kelio for my fire drill management?
- Updating of the roll-call
- Real-time count of evacuees at the assembly points
- Easy, reliable and fast roll-can for evacuees
- Roll-call shared with other assembly points
- Available as Saas: in the event of a fire, the roll-call by smartphone is saved and available
- Historical statistical data
- Solution associated with Kelio Time Management and Kelio Visitor Management